Dienstag, 31. Juli 2012

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incial assembly members to vote against overnight also became the focus of attention of many forces. northwest Shanxi and other provinces before members of Congress are holding the identity of the Baath Party into Congress who vote Northwest opposed the proposal of the Baath Party Cabinet Members as if became the Baath Party in the eyes full of traitors. more minority the Lingnan membership of Members in the newspaper publicly called them The Sound of praise from the Donglin party. this even not confrontation with the Baath Party But both the face of accusations from the Baath Party,jerseysforcheap, or face appreciation of the Donglin party, the Qiao Chengyun but as one of the joint action of the initiator has always maintained a low-key and calm attitude. In his opinion they neither betray who did not want to assistance to profit. the northwest provinces of Members to cast a veto. This will, of course, from the other side of silence for many years inland provinces of the Universal Declaration of coastal forces. Qiao Chengyun their hands the votes tell the world, and northwest provinces perhaps in economic behind people, but this does not mean that they came to the capital is to act as the hands of others marionette northwest provinces also have their own ideas and the pursuit.
On the current situation, the target before the Members of the Northwest provinces at the moment already achieved throughout the capital and the whole empire no longer dare to ignore their existence. However,airjordanfootwear, the passion, the scenery after Qiaocheng Yun still still have to face the sobering reality This is a vote against the next, what should do what? do not agree with the proposal of the Cabinet, the total come up with their own ideas but because the northwest Members of the joint things out hastily, the majority of its members is only because we feel that province in the new motion of the cabinet to eat at a disadvantage before agreeing to the with Shanxi Members together to vote against it. but everyone in the specific details are not too many to give

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